The Brief:

Three references:

Idea Generation:

Character example drawings:

Beat Board:

I absolutely loved this excercise! It was a really fun way to generate ideas and even found that having the third impetus thrown in at a later stage actually helped to move the story along in an exciting way. I might even try and put this story idea into production if I get time at a later stage.
I have to pitch my new project idea 'The Librarian' to my tutors and peers within the next couple of days so I have knocked together a quick one sheet to help promote this.
A quick doodle of three cheeky chappies!

1. Pen
2. Digitally coloured
Here are a few doodles from my sketch book of character ideas for my upcoming Librarian character:
I will be developing the chappy with the monocle further into some 3D sculpts.
So I wanted to do some needle work just so that all my time isn't consumed in making puppets and being constantly covered in latex! I met this lovely fellow over a year ago now at Westonburt Arboretum but he has become the subject for my needle to bring to life.
I'm stitching this freehand but traced the outline of the 'Wol' first and stitched over this to ensure the end result resembles some shape similar to my friend above!
As a fun little extra for this project, I'm creating a time lapse video as I stitch so that I'll be able to watch dear little Wol come to life before my eyes. Here's a sneak peek of where I'm up to so far:
Meet Jessica, the Chinese Crested with attitude. She shares a little cottage with my Grandmother Judith and her rather hairier powderpuff doggy friend Jasmine. She exudes so much character that I felt I just had to make a stop-motion character based on her!
Here are a few doodles of my hairless friend:
I've only gone and created Frankensteins' monster!
These creatures were created by merging different peoples body parts together to create something new.

Here are a few characters I have created based on an old boot or the shape of it.
Today me and other people from my course made a group animation (and got quite sunburnt in the process!)
We each had to pick a word out of a hat and draw what we were given on to the long strips of paper seen in the photo above. We then had to morph our drawing into the drawing of the person that was next to us, which when filmed would create a cyclical animation. I drew "Great Aunty Dot" out of the hat which I had to morph into Yusrys' "Teacher". I'm looking forward to seeing the animation!
He's been experimenting with his style...