I recently visited the Antiques Market of Bath and took a few snaps whilst I was there. It's such an amazing place with so many interesting things to look at. One stall in particular caught my eye and got me thinking about the feel of my upcoming stop motion project The Librarian. With all of the clutter and antique feel  I could see this as somewhere my character would  reside. I will keep these images in mind for when I am writing the narrative and designing the set.
Earlier on this year, I went a bit bee mad taking hundreds of photos of the bumbling critters going crazy for the spring flowers in my garden.
I've just got round to editing a few of these photos; I'm not the most confident of people on Photoshop so this was a good excuse for me to get to know my way around the program better.

Here's the outcome:
I've been stitching letters and words onto a plastic fabric that melts in hot water on my sewing machine using the free-hand foot. These are going to be used in some experiments with latex for a stop-motion puppet's skin. I just quite liked these photo's...
I was recently asked to take some photo's of my friends band. Armed with little more than a camera and the band themselves we headed out to the local wood so they could "look cool amonst the trees and stuff".
Here they are in action looking pretty snazzy if I do say so myself:
Visit their Facebook page at: